August 23, 2022
In the Statehouse, our team was working to ensure that the State’s $50.6 billion FY 2023 budget included key provisions that would increase access to higher education at county colleges, expand services for people with disabilities, fund services for students with disabilities, and increase access to cancer screenings and research. Our team worked alongside and on behalf of ACLU NJ, New Jersey Council of County Colleges, American Cancer Society’s Cancer Action Network, the NJ Association of Centers for Independent Living, among others.
In addition to the budget, PGA worked with clients and legislators to introduce, shape, and pass legislation. From police licensing and gun safety measures to legislation supporting people with disabilities and county college students, PGA worked tirelessly with legislators on key bills.
Listed below are the key pieces of legislation signed into law by Governor Murphy this spring and summer:
- S2742 (Greenstein/Singleton/Reynolds-Jackson/Wimberly/Spearman)– Concerns licensing of law enforcement officers; appropriates $6 million.
- S905 (Ruiz/Gopal/Stanley/Carter/Mukherji)– Extends period of time for filing special education due process petitions related to COVID-19 school closures and periods of virtual, remote, hybrid, or in-person instruction.
NJ Council of County Colleges
- A1695 (Jasey/Quijano/Timberlake/Cryan/Cunningham)– Requires Secretary of Higher Education and DOLWD to establish performance quality standards for career-oriented programs of study offered by institutions of higher education, degree-granting proprietary institutions, and private career schools.
- A2884 (Jasey/Reynolds-Jackson/McKnight/Cunningham/Ruiz)– Revises State financial aid requirements to align with simplification of Free Application for Federal Student Aid under federal law.
- A3733 (Haider/Stanley/Benson/Scutari/Beach)– Authorizes student attending institution of higher education to earn credit towards graduation for serving as poll worker.
- A4224 (Mosquera/Freiman/Jasey/Greenstein/Beach)– Provides project grants under “Securing Our Children’s Future Fund” for career and technical education at county colleges; appropriates $19,993,837.
- A4225 (Jaffer/Conaway/Calabrese/Gopal/Greenstein)– Provides project grants under “Securing Our Children’s Future Fund” for career and technical education at county vocational school districts; appropriates $36,960,028.
Brady: United Against Gun Violence
- A1302 (Greenwald/Reynolds-Jackson/Atkins/Cryan/Codey)– Regulates the sale of handgun ammunition and develops system of electronic reporting of handgun ammunition sales.
- A1765 (McKeon/Atkins/Jasey/Ruiz/Pou)– Allows Attorney General to bring cause of action for certain public nuisance violations arising from sale or marketing of firearms.
- A2426 (Wimberly/Reynolds-Jackson/Schaer/Cryan/Turner)– Establishes rebuttable presumption of pretrial detention for defendants who commit certain firearm offenses under Graves Act.
- A4368 (Greenwald/McKeon/Jasey/Codey/Pou)– Requires firearm retailers to sell microstamping-enabled firearms upon determination of availability by AG.
- A4370 (Reynolds-Jackson/Greenwald/Wimberly/Codey)– Requires training prior to issuance of firearms purchaser identification card and permit to purchase handgun under certain circumstances; provides that firearms purchaser identification card is valid for ten years.
- S1204 (Cryan/Zwicker/Jasey/Swain/Jaffer)– Requires firearm owners who become New Jersey residents to obtain firearm purchaser identification card and register handguns acquired out-of-State.
- S2846 (Scutari/Cryan/McKeon/Greenwald/Wimberly)– Upgrades certain crimes related to manufacturing firearms from third degree to second degree.
- S2905 (Scutari/Atkins/Quijano/Sampson)– Revises definition of destructive device to include certain .50 caliber rifles; makes certain exceptions.
- S2476 (Ruiz/Vitale/Coughlin/Jasey/Sumter/Quijano)– Establishes Thriving By Three competitive grant program for infant and toddler child care programs; appropriates $28 million.
- A1282 (Stanley/Haider/Timberlake/Diegnan/Greenstein)– Requires DEP to develop and implement electric school bus program; provides for $15 million in first year and $15 million annually in subsequent two years to DEP, subject to availability, to provide grants.
PGA is proud to support its clients and help make a positive difference in the lives of everyday New Jerseyans. As the legislature returns to Trenton, be sure to keep an eye out on these key issues:
Special Education
On behalf of ASAH, Porzio will be leading the fight to ensure that NJ’s private schools serving students with disabilities have the resources necessary to meet the needs of students with intensive needs. One priority piece of legislation is S2927(Codey)/A4396(Lampitt/Jasey), establishes timelines for review and approval by Commissioner of Education of annual certified audits submitted by approved private schools for students with disabilities.
Higher Education
The New Jersey Council of County Colleges is always working to ensure that New Jerseyans can have affordable access to high quality education and apprenticeship programs in their communities. In the upcoming session, we will be keeping an eye on:
- S659 (Oroho/Greeenstein)/A2014 (Conaway/Wirths)– “Manufacturing in Higher Education Act”; requires various State entities to promote manufacturing career pathways for students and provides assistance to manufacturing industry.
- A685 (Verelli/Jasey)/S2309 (Greenstein)- Makes supplemental appropriation of $3.5 million for Community College Opportunity Grant – Adult Postsecondary Career and Technical Education.
Cancer Prevention
American Cancer Society’s Cancer Action Network has been working alongside a coalition of casino worker unions, anti-smoking groups, and advocates to end the smoking ban exemption in casinos. This session, A2151 (Moen/Moriarty/Conaway)/S264 (Turner/Vitale) will be a top priority.
On behalf of Early Childhood Education Advocates, our team will be supporting the movement of Senate Majority Leader Ruiz’s Early Childhood Bill Package. The package of bills (S2475, S2477, S2478, S2479, S1099, S2480, S2465) will expand access to quality and affordable childcare for families, especially those currently living in childcare deserts.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
As we saw in the spring, the regulation of blockchain and cryptocurrency is likely to become a hot topic as we move into the fall. We will be closely monitoring this legislation to keep our clients in technology, gaming, and fintech informed and at the cutting edge of the industry: